Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Shameless Self Promotion

As a part of the technology class I'm taking that spurred on the creation of this blog, I have also created my very own Wikipedia article on Jan Ullmark, who coached Canadians Jamie Sale and David Pelletier (and who made an appearance in the end of their video here).

Unexpected problems: I have discovered I seem to know more than currently available internet resources.  I found at least two articles that incorrectly credited Jan Ullmark with helping Sale and Pelletier win their 2001 World Championship.  Trust me, they didn't switch coaches until the summer after winning Worlds--I distinctly remember the panic my 13-year old self experienced when they announced they were changing coaches right before an Olympic Season.  For further proof, see the end of their short program from 2001 Worlds below.  The man in the Kiss and Cry below is not the same man who appears in the Kiss and Cry in Salt Lake City.